Friday, July 17, 2009

P-Bar and Rice Ceral...the breakfast of Champions!

Well, peanut butter is the new favorite at our house. I am so glad that Ethan likes p-bar as he calls it. It is funny, I love peanut butter and when he was a baby I would call him my little peanut butter. He has asked for p-bar every day this week, for breakfast, dinner and snacks. He woke up yesterday saying, "P-bar Mama, P-bar!" No peanut allergies and a love for peanut butter just like his Mom! I love it!

Rice cereal, not a hit! I was so excited to introduce Hannah to rice cereal, in hopes that it would buy a few more minutes of sleep at night. Not so much! At first, I thought she loved it as she was trying to shove the whole spoon into her mouth, then after a few bites, I noticed she was not digging it at all. She started blowing raspberries and gaging on it. Maybe it was too thick for her, or just the strange sensation of having a spoon in her mouth. Whatever it was, we will try it again tonight. She is also free to start fruits and vegetables, but I want to get the cereal thing locked down and then we will go from there!!!


  1. Beautiful kids! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I've been a terrible blogger these past few months!

  2. Ahhh, peanut butter. You have a whole new view of it now then you did back in our college days don't ya?!?!
