Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ethan's Literal Hand Shake & an Applesauce Victory!

When Eric came home from work yesterday, he greeted Ethan as he does every night with a hug or a kiss. He then wanted to teach Ethan how to shake hands. Ethan engrossed in his latest obsession of reading his "Tommy the Choo Choo Car" book (Thomas the Train) was not in the mood to learn a new trick. After a few more attempts by Eric, Ethan yelled, "No Dada!" Eric's final request to teach Ethan to shake hands like a big boy, resulted in Ethan waving his hands back and forth, while shooting Eric a look that he didn't need to be taught to shake hands, he already knew how!! That's my boy!!

As for Hannah's and the great food eating crusade, applesauce is a small victory, so far. She definitely gets more all over her face, bib and hands, but we are making progress. Stay tuned!

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