Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another Milestone...

It's time to celebrate....we crossed off another big milestone off the list yesterday! Who knew that turning two years old would be all the incentive it took to get Ethan to sleep in his big boy bed. We have had the toddler bed in his room for two weeks and he would play on it, but when it came time to go to sleep, he wanted to sleep in his "cribby". So we didn't push the issue, then last night when we were getting ready for bed, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to really sell the benefits of a "big boy bed". He bought it hook, line and sinker!! He got up a few times when we first put him in there, but then he settled in complete with his to pillows, blankets and menagerie of animals! This morning he was so excited when he woke up knowing that he slept all night in the bed. Now if we could only work on the head banging and convincing Hannah to sleep through the night, we would be set! Baby steps....

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