Monday, July 6, 2009

Only a few more days....

My mantra of "two under two" is only valid for two more days! I can't believe Ethan will be two this week. It truly seems like yesterday he was born, yet so much has happened in the past two years. A new house, the birth of sweet baby Hannah and watching my little boy grow from a baby to a talking, two-year old toddler! Ethan amazes me every day with what he says and does. I wish I could capture everything he is doing so I can never forget these precious memories. Hence, the beginning of this blog! I started a journal for Ethan the day I found out I was pregnant with him. I really tried to write in it regularly, however with two kids, I have been lacking in updating both of their journals. It is my hope that I can write more often capturing these snapshots of their lives! They are the light of my life and I am so blessed to be their Mom!!

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