Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Long Overdue!

I can't believe it has been almost six months since I have updated this blog....I need to get back in gear! So much has happened over the past few months...lets see what is new and exciting with Team Rass....

  • I have a new job that I love, however adjusting to a new schedule, new industry, longer commute, etc. has definitely taken a while to get into a groove.

  • Ethan is officially potty trained and started preschool.
  • Hannah is now a talking, walking toddler who is into EVERYTHING!

There is so much that has happened over the past few months that definitely warrant pictures, stories and updates, so I will try to "back-fill" some of the key ones!! Like our day out with Thomas the Train; trip to Frankenmuth, apple picking with Papa, Ethan's 3rd birthday, Hannah's first haircut, the list could go on and on.

I promise to be more diligent at posting, so if nothing else, Ethan and Hannah will have something to look back at and laugh!

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