Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beverly Hills 48025

Well, we have officially lived in our house for one year!! One year ago today, we moved in! It is hard to imagine that we lived anywhere else, as our house truly does feel like a home. We have done so much in the past year, even before we moved in. To look back at pictures from the day we closed on the house to now, it definitely looks like a different house. Obviously, there is a lot more we would like to do, but that all takes time and money. Slowly but surely we will get there. Since we bought the house we have cut down and trimmed the forest we had growing on our property, so now we can see the deer as they make their way through the neighborhood. The deck has been refinished and Eric has redone all of the backyard landscaping. We have painted the kitchen, hallway, Ethan's room, Hannah's room and the laundry room. New carpet up the stairs and in Hannah's room, a new floor in the kitchen and laundry room. The lower level bathroom has been completely redone and we have two new front doors. It's amazing, we moved in a family of three with a baby who was not yet walking and now a year later we have a toddler and another baby who is not yet walking!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! That makes me so happy for you and your family! How amazing it must be.
