Friday, November 13, 2009

Going to Work...

This morning Ethan asked me if he could get "Donalds" for breakfast, as Eric usually buys him McDonalds on Saturdays for breakfast. I think he also correlates this to us being at home on the weekend. I told him, "No, not today, Mama and Dada have to work." He told me, "I work too!" Here is the rest of the conversation:

Me - "You work? Where do you work?"
Ethan - "I work at the apple station"
Me - "What do you do at the apple station?"
Ethan - "I pick apples and go on the tractor!"

Without skipping a beat he went on with his regular morning banter. I couldn't believe how grown up he sounded and how big he is getting! My little peanut amazes me more and more every day!

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