Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I See You...

Monday nights in the summer are always crazy at our house. Eric plays softball on Mondays, so from April - August, so we have Monday Mom Nights!! A few Monday's ago, I put Ethan to bed and got Hannah ready for bed. Ethan got up a few times and I told him he needed to go back to bed. He reluctantly got back in his bed after four or five times of getting up. He always knows how to play me when Dada is gone!! A little while later, I looked on the baby monitor and Ethan was up jumping on his bed. I yelled in, "Ethan, lay down and go to sleep". Startled, he immediately looked toward his bedroom door, but didn't see me. He yelled back, "Mama, don't do that!!" I had to laugh, as he scurried down and got into his bed!!!

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