Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cootie & Almost Two

Had to laugh at Ethan this morning...we were getting ready to play a quick game before I got ready to go to work and Ethan said, "Mama, look the Cootie bug game fell on the floor!" It's not just Cootie at our house, it's called Cootie Bug!

Well in less than two weeks, the Diva will turn two! I am amazed at how big she is getting and her vocabulary! Here favorite phrases right now are....

"Hannie Rasssss"

"No, Me!"

"All done Mama"

Another cute thing happening right now at Team Rass is every night for the past few weeks, Ethan will come up stairs with me when I put Hannah down for bed and sing, "Twinkle, Twinkle Wittle Star" and "Rock-A-Bye Hannah" to her. The exchange ends with a "Ga NaNa" - translated in Hannah speak, "Thank you Ethan" and the give each other a kiss! Priceless! That always leaves me with a smile and a memory I will cherish forever!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

I can't believe how far I am behind in my me it isn't for a lack of content! Time would be the culprit. Again, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to blog more are a few great Ethan and Hannah moments that I don't want to forget that happened over the past few months:
Hannah kept playing with Ethan's juice, I told her not to touch it and she kept sticking her fingers in the cup. I told her "No" again and she picked it up and dumped the cup of juice on the floor and just smiled at me. I told her she had to go to time out. When she was sitting there, I said, "Hannah do you know why you are in time out?" she said smiling from ear to ear, "Yep, juice, floor!"

Ethan was watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special and came running into the kitchen to ask me who the yellow guy was? I didn't know who he was talking about and thought he was talking about one of the characters who had blond hair, so I said, "Sally or Schroder?" He was frustrated and said, "No, Mama, the yellow bird who is with Snoofee, he is a bad bird!" LOVE IT!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

Ethan was so excited the 1st day of school! When we got there, he didn't want me to leave. I told him I had to leave in two minutes, then I told him I had to leave in one minute, then when it was time to leave, I told him I was leaving and he said, okay. I walked out of the room and he was playing with some puzzles. He immediately found a Thomas train within the first five minutes of being there, (out of three rooms, he has Thomas radar). I heard him ask the teacher, "Where is my Mom?" when I was walking out. It took everything in me not to turn around, but I didn't, I just left as the teachers recommended parents to do.

When I picked him up, they told me he was a little weepy a few times, wanting to know where I was, but then he was fine. He spent a lot of time in the "quiet" room playing with puzzles, trains and books.

Long Overdue!

I can't believe it has been almost six months since I have updated this blog....I need to get back in gear! So much has happened over the past few months...lets see what is new and exciting with Team Rass....

  • I have a new job that I love, however adjusting to a new schedule, new industry, longer commute, etc. has definitely taken a while to get into a groove.

  • Ethan is officially potty trained and started preschool.
  • Hannah is now a talking, walking toddler who is into EVERYTHING!

There is so much that has happened over the past few months that definitely warrant pictures, stories and updates, so I will try to "back-fill" some of the key ones!! Like our day out with Thomas the Train; trip to Frankenmuth, apple picking with Papa, Ethan's 3rd birthday, Hannah's first haircut, the list could go on and on.

I promise to be more diligent at posting, so if nothing else, Ethan and Hannah will have something to look back at and laugh!

Monday, April 5, 2010

"He Has Risen...

and I got Thomas underwear," were the first words Ethan uttered when we were greeted at church yesterday morning by our two pastors, wishing our family a Happy Easter. Thankfully, both pastors have children and understand this is a "big deal." We definitely got some smiles for that comment. I guess it could be worse, like Eric telling Ethan on the way to church to say, "When is breakfast?" Obviously, we are in the potty training mode, so Thomas underwear is the big thing at the Rass house these days!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ethan's Twist on Easter and We have an Almost Walker....

I am behind in posting "Princess Party" pictures, but in the meantime, couldn't let these two items pass me by. First and foremost, we potentially have a walker on our hands! Brave little Hannie is taking 7-8 steps at a time now, so I would anticipate she will be walking (knowing her, running) in a manner of days! She is so proud of herself and enjoys walking to who ever will coax her along. Stay tuned....
As for sweet Ethan, Lisa just called to tell me that he was telling her that the Eastern Bunny is going to bring him a specific Thomas station toy that he wants. Hmmm, can you tell he is definitely our child...with the whole Eastern connection!! Priceless!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Princess Hannah

I can't believe how fast this past year flew by, or that my beautiful baby girl is a year old. Her presence has made our family complete! She has brought so much joy, laughter and love to our home and our family. Happy Birthday Hannie!!!